Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Kids are Alright

Drinking, Lying, Back Talk, Cheating, Sex, Drugs, Rock n' Roll, Risky Behavior, Entitled, Breaking Curfew, Swearing. These are just some of the words associated with teenagers these days. If you've watched the news you've seen negative reports about teenagers.

While there are the occasional bad apples out there, the vast majority of teenagers are doing great. During my Secondary Ed experiences over the last couple months I've been impressed with the young people I've worked with. Many of them arrive before 7:00am to participate in sports or the arts. Many come early for tutoring or work on college applications.

I'm encouraged by their inclusiveness. When I see them congregate in the lunchroom they sit with no regard to ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, or sex. I'm most encouraged by the way they treat the special needs students. They don't treat them with a patronizing demeanor but genuinely seek to help them around the building and make their lives easier.

Not only are teenagers doing alright, they often do it with fewer resources than the adults around them. Getting to school at 7:00am is admirable but getting there at 7:00 without a car is another. It is often necessary for them to work to help support their families with less than desirable jobs. Almost all of the students I talk to struggle to balance 10-14 hour days.

Relax everyone, the kids are alright.

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