Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Timing and change…
Image result for right timing quotes In a few short months I will graduate with my Master’s degree in an area that I am so passionate about. This has been a goal of mine for so long. It is an exciting personal achievement of mine! Working in education I focused on encouraging my students to set academic goals and develop action plans. I am reminded that “modeling” is one of the great ways in which we teach. During my first year in the program my students loved hearing about my classes and enjoyed laughing that I had homework and tests too! My students knew that I loved education and was a lifetime learner!
My internship experience has given me the fuel to my fire to want to be a principal. I have experienced the overwhelming joy of helping students, families, and teachers in their educational journey. I like to problem solve and evaluate the different opinions presented and make decisions that I feel are in the best interest of those involved.  
This past year I made a very difficult decision. I decided to take some time off from my internship and stay home to be the primary caregiver to my new baby. I had many feelings of guilt…  I worried that I was staying home to help one child, while I could be at work helping 500! Timing and change is hard for me. I feel that being a principal is a lifelong career and right now my excitement, time, and energy is at home with my daughter. I honestly evaluated myself and know that if I was to jump into full time administration I would be concerned of where my time, energy and concerns would be. Would I honestly be there for the students, parents and faculty in my school? Could I give the job the professional attention I feel it needs? I would hate to start into the positon to have faculty, students, and parents feel that I am not ready due to where I know my heart and attention is.
Timing. I love the quote I included in this post. It sums up my feelings perfectly. I know that jobs will always be positing for positions, and when I am ready to step back into the position I will be ready with the time, energy, and dedication the position needs! My internship experience really has shown me the desire I have to become a full time administrator and because of that the timing in which I take on that role needs to be such that I can take it and run with it!
Even though I am wrapping up with my education in our program. I will need to work on staying current and in the loop of education so that I can make the transition back into the field. So even though we are wrapping up with our program we are really never finished... I am a "Lifelong Learner!"

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