Sunday, November 15, 2015


What do you do when you are the adultiest adult in the room?  Right now in all of our positions if we don't have the answer, we can say "I'll check with the principal and get back to you", but that road is quickly coming to a dead end.  What happens when we ARE the principal, the boss, the leader, the one with the answers?  Who do we check with then?  Because let's face it, we won't always have the answers right away.  This is an intimidating thought about leadership. 

One thing I have learned so far is that it's okay to not have all of the answers.  As Frank Shaw taught us, our go to phrase is: "Let me look into that and I will get back to you in 24 hours".  I've observed several administrators throughout my internship use a derivative of this phrase.  However, this is a fine line we walk.  We want to maintain control and confidence but still be transparent and admit when we don't have the answer and be savvy enough to know where to find it.  

I think it's key that we always remember to walk that line with a moral conscience and do the best we can, because at the end of the day, we are still learning how to be the adultier adult. 


  1. Love the Frank Shaw comment, and admit that I have used it a few times already. But I do believe even the aldultiest adult should be mature enough to admit they don't know all the answers. It's better to take some time to find out than to jump in with a wrong answer and end up looking like a fool.

  2. I love this meme, and I love this post. This has been one of the hardest things for me. I want to be the one with all the answers, and when I am not it is a blow to my self-confidence and ego. I am working on this all the time, it is ok to ask for help and it is definitely ok not to know all of the answers. I think the most important thing to know is where to find the answers.
