Monday, November 9, 2015

When Valuable Staff Leave

It is never easy when you lose tremendous staff at your school.  I'm sure everyone can think of that staff assistant who genuinely cares about the school and students to a degree that is difficult to match.  They are the adult that the students gravitate to for academic and social support because of their kind heart and caring personality.

This past week we had this special type of staff assistant resign at our school.  This was a very difficult decision for her.  As acting administrator I was required to be with her as she was cleaning out her office.  It was difficult emotionally to see her pack up her belongings, some of which were thank you notes from students.  While my first instinct was to think of the students and how sad they were going to be when they realized that she was no longer with us, the administrator side began to think of the logistics.  I began to worry about how we were going to cover for all of the duties that she was tasked.  This is a difficult thing for an administrator that I never really understood until this experience.  

As a school counselor I was always surprised to see how administrators would act after excellent staff would leave the school for whatever reason.  It almost would seem as if they did not care.  Now I realize that is not the case.  Administrators are required to continuously have the entire school's best interest in mind and that may entail the quick posting of a position to ensure that the gap is as minimal as possible.  Of course they do not wish to lose incredible assets and do not look forward to the process of trying to fill the position.  There comes a point where you must be professional and put the priorities of the school above the emotions one may feel.  It is shocking sometimes when we begin to realize that we are starting to think as administrators in various situations.

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